Friday, 27 March 2009

Modeselektor + Apparat = Moderat

Modeselektor has been kicking around since 1996 making very distinctive tech-house music. His versatility is what impresses, with music and remixes drawing on genres from hip-hop to electro and Russian folk. Apparat has been around just as long, playing solo and in a band. Slightly less well known but produces just as good techno-y goodness. It's not your average techno, it's much more atmospheric and melodic - see 'Arcadia'.

Anywho, they have come together on their second collaborative project since 2003 - Moderat.

The album's called Moderat. It's hot. It retains the atmospheric...err...ness. You can easily hear the Modeselktor in it, he takes care of the foreground, and Apparat deals with the background. I'm not sure how many of the tracks could work in a club but they still great tracks. More importantly, do not neglect their solo work. I should delve into Apparat more but Modeselektor are tried and tested.

There's a remix for the Bjork song for boys as well; just as good. I could only find a few tracks by Apparat, so instead here's a surprisingly subtle, lesser-known Crookers remix.

Moderat - No. 22

Bjork - Dull Flame of Desire (Modeselektor's Remix for Girls)


Mike Snow - Animal (Crookers Remix)

Go buy it...


  1. that bjork track is sweet as

  2. hav you got more links for modeselektor traks?

  3. The hype machine is your friend...
